
Save up to $400 during our Holiday Grill Deal extravaganza!

Pecan Grilled Salmon

Posted by Chef Charles on 23rd Apr 2014

Build a 4-Mississippi lump hardwood charcoal fire in one end of the PKcooker. Place one cup of water soaked pecan shells on top of fully burning charcoal.

Dredge fish in extra virgin olive oil or rapeseed oil for less flavor [Canola tm]. Rub wild caught salmon steaks any size with capers and freshly ground black peppercorns.

When fire is full heat and pecan shells are making good smoke place fish on opposite end of grill and close hood. Close vent over top of coals and open over fish. On bottom open vent under coals and close vent under fish.

Smoke for ten minutes and check fish for fork flakes. Remove when cooked to desired degree.

Serve with asparagus drenched with olive oil, sea salt, lemon juice and black pepper. Then grill briefly over remaining coals for a few minutes.

Pour Pinot Noir red wine with this meal and toast to perfection.

Thanks Martha for bringing this great cooking tool! Bon Appetite