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The Local Palate - Rekindling the Flame

Posted by Scott Moody on 19th Jul 2017

We are awfully proud to be featured in the August issue of Local Palate magazine. Not just because the story was written by Paula Disbrowe, an accomplished food writer and, we are happy to say, fellow PK enthusiast. Or because Sara Reeves' images captured the surroundings and spirit of our time together so well. We are most proud of this piece because we all met as strangers in the Arkansas woods, cooked some great food on our new grill, the PK360, we ate, drank, laughed and parted as true friends. We believe that is the essence and draw of outdoor cooking. It is certainly what we want PK to be about. Welcome friends. 

See the full story here.

Published by: The Local Palate

Written by: Paula Disbrowe

Photography: Sara Reeves

See the full story here.